Tacking and button sewer

List of machines (alphabetical, machine classes ascending)

PFAFF 3307 -1/01, -1/02 

Electronic single chainstitch button sewer

Typical field of application:
Attaching 2, 3, 4 or 6-hole buttons on shirts (-1/01) and jackets, suits, coats (-1/02)

PFAFF 3307 -1/11 ...with Automatic Button Feeder 

Electronic single chainstitch button sewer with automatic button feeder

Typical field of application:
Automatic attaching of buttons on shirts and blouses (Attaching 2, 3 or 4-hole buttons). Curtain rings sew curtains

PFAFF 3307 -1/13 

Electronic single chainstitch button sewer with skip stitch device

Typical field of application:
Attaching 2, 3, 4 or 6-hole buttons on jackets, suits and coats

PFAFF 3307 -4/01 

Electronic special machine for tacking operations

Typical field of application:
Tacking textile labels on socks and gloves etc.

PFAFF 3307 -4/02 ...for Tacking Hatbands 

Electronic special machine for tacking hatbands on brimmed hats

Typical field of application:
Efficiently attaching bands and decorations to all kinds of hats

PFAFF 3307 -5/02 

Electronic button sewer for self-shank buttons and flat buttons

Typical field of application:
Sewing on self-shank buttons and flat buttons alternately when working on uniforms, blazers, women’s outerwear etc.

PFAFF 3307-3/01 & 3307-9/02 "Zwilling" 

Electronic button sewer with steam wrapping in V-setup

Typical field of application:
3307-3/01 Sewing/blind stitch buttons on suits (single and double-breasted), jackets and coats
3307-9/02 Stem-wrapping machine, maximum stem length 12 mm

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