Post bed

List of machines (alphabetical, machine classes ascending)

PFAFF 571 

Post bed special sewing machine with wheel feed, roller presser and needle feed (left post)

Typical field of application:
Inserting and undertrimming of lining on shoe uppers

PFAFF 574 

Twin needle post-bed special sewing machine with wheel feed, roller presser and needle feed

Typical field of application:
Assembly and topstitching seams in shoes, leather goods and automotive interior

PFAFF 591 

Post-bed special sewing machine with wheel feed, roller presser and needle feed

Typical field of application:
Assembly and topstitching seams in shoes, leather goods and automotive interior

PFAFF 1293 

Single-needle, lockstitch postbed sewing machines with large vertical hook, roller presser driven and drop feed

Typical field of application:
For sewing shoe uppers and other leather articles made from medium-heavy to heavy materials

PFAFF 1294 

Double-needle, lockstitch postbed sewing machines with large vertical hook, drop feed and roller presser with direct drive

Typical field of application:
For sewing shoe uppers and other leather articles made from medium-heavy to heavy materials

PFAFF 1295 

Single-needle lockstitch postbed sewing machine with unison feed

Typical field of application:
For three-dimensional fabrics in the upholstery industry

PFAFF 1296 

Double-needle postbed sewing machines with unison feed

Typical field of application:
For three-dimensional fabrics in the upholstery industry

PFAFF 1571 

Electronical post-bed special sewing machine with wheel feed, roller presser and needle feed (left post)

Typical field of application:

Inserting and undertrimming of lining on shoe uppers

PFAFF 1574 

Electronical twin needle post-bed special sewing machine with wheel feed, roller presser and needle feed

Typical field of application:
Twin needle assembly and topstitching seams in shoes, leather goods and automotive interior

PFAFF 1591 

Electronical post-bed special sewing machine with wheel feed, roller presser and needle feed

Typical field of application:
Assembly and topstitching seams in shoes, leather goods and automotive interior


Single-needle postbed sewing machines with unison feed

Typical field of application:
Single-needle decorative stitching in the field of home and car upholstery


Double-needle postbed sewing machines with unison feed

Typical field of application:
Twin-needle decorative stitching in the field of home and car upholstery

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